Septic Pumping Frequency Guidelines
Every three years, your septic tank system will be in good working order by performing Septic tank pumping
Six out of ten properties in the Kelowna area have septic tank systems. Septic systems are very common in the Okanagan valley. These systems are cost-effective and easy to maintain. A properly maintained septic tank system will provide years of trouble-free management of household waste water. Regular septic tank pumping, and septic system inspections by certified Kelowna septic service professionals are the most important aspects of maintaining your septic systems and drainfield.
Regular inspections by a Kelowna certified septic pumping professional will help determine when you need to pump your septic tank. Septic tanks should be inspected and pumped out at least once every three years. Inspections of septic tanks with complex mechanical components, such as those in the ATU (Aerobic Treatment Units) like the Whitewater system, will be more frequent. A reference should be included in the design documents of the septic tank system about how often it needs to be pumped and inspected.
Septic Tank Pumping: Many homeowners are curious about how often they should have their septic tanks pumped based on the number of people living in the house. There are many factors that influence the time and frequency of septic tank pumping. There are ways to predict when your septic tank will need to be pumped and things you can do that will increase the time it takes before you have to pump. You should not risk your septic tank system. Have it pumped every three years, as recommended by B. C. Health Department.
Your certified Kelowna Septic Tank Pumping Professional can determine how often your septic tank needs to be pumped. To have a septic pumping professional determine how often your household needs to have septic tank pumps performed, the tank must be emptied. Then, the professional will calculate the frequency. An example of this is a 4 bedroom house in the Kelowna area. It will have a 1000-to 1500 gallon septic system. A family of 4 can expect to have their septic tank pumped every 3 to 5 year.
Septic tank pumping frequency can be determined by the amount of scum (top) or sludge layers (bottom). Septic tank pumping
These layers will be checked by the Septic Tank Pumping Technician during the septic tanks pumping and inspection. These layers’ thicknesses are dependent on how the septic system is used and what is being flushed down the household drains. The size of the septic tanks in relation to the household that uses the system is another factor in the frequency of septic tank pumping. If the septic tank is too small to accommodate the family’s needs, it will need to be pumped out more often. This is more common in older homes that were built before 1980. When a new system for septic tanks is installed, it is important to consider the size of any home that is being built on the property after 1980.
The two most important factors that affect the frequency of septic tanks pumping are how often the tank is emptied and who lives in it. As you might expect, more waste water will be generated if there are more people using the system. It is impossible to change this, but it is something that you should consider when scheduling septic tank pumping or inspection. Also, be careful with household products and items being flushed.
The septic system is one thing homeowners can monitor and control to increase the frequency of septic tank pumping. It is important to manage the water usage in your home, the contents of the dishwasher, washing machine, sink, and garbage disposal.
Water – High efficiency plumbing fixtures such as faucets and toilets will reduce the amount of water entering the septic tanks. You can also reduce the amount of water used by fixing leaks and drips. This will help to prevent the layers from getting thicker quicker.
Waste Management – This is another way to ensure that your septic tank system works properly. You should never flush anything down the drain or wash your septic tank.